
Thursday, June 28, 2012

2 weeks in Haiti just isn't enough...

Hey everyone!

I returned from Haiti about 3 weeks ago. I was able to spend 2 weeks in this country that I have fallen in love with and I am excited to share my experience with you through pictures.

My First Week
Stayed in the Orphanage with the kids and other Missionary Interns

On our way to celebrate some of the Missionary Kids birthday

Helped teach the kindergartners at the school

learning to read!

Learning our shapes!

Spent quality time with my friend Torie. She is there for 2 months staying
at the orphanage. I was so happy we were there at the same time!

Visited some different sites that my August team will be doing some
construction. Painted this part (with Torie!) of the school in September,
we will be finishing the far right side in August.
Part of what we will be working on.
Visited the prison in St. Marc. This was one of the main reasons for me going
to Haiti a week early. It was a huge blessing to meet with the women again to worship
and pray together. I also visited the prison in Archaie.

Water day at the school!
You can tell they had a BLAST! Who wouldn't want an awesome water slide
to cool off in the Haiti heat?!
Went on a crazy jungle-like hike with some awesome friends
Were blessed witha refreshing drink from coconut along the way.
"Nature's Gatorade"...and a meal. 2 for 1. Check out the next pic.
Yummmm! This was by far my favorite part.
Miss these girls! So blessed to spend a week with them.

SECOND WEEK---My Team Arrives!!!
Was so excited to finally meet Pastor Dave and Marilyn (far left). Had been talking with them
for so long to plan this little Haitian adventure for the Lord!
Heading up to the top of the mountain to the village of Boucan to stay for the
next 4 days!
The guesthouse is on the far left, where we stayed. The right building is the orphanage.
Our team was painting the orphanage and building bunk beds to get
ready for the kids who will be living there.
Bunk bed construction begins!
Some of our Handymen...Dave and Jim
Brook, our other handyman!
Painting in the orphanage
Preparing for VBS
Over 200 kids showed up for VBS and recreation
Who doesn't love Duck, Duck, Goose?
Dani showing the love of Christ to all around her!
The kids were taught the steps to salvation through bead bracelets.
Did I mention that I love being in Haiti?
Went on a small hike and met new friends. Prayed for some along the way.
I loved our "family time" every evening. We worshipped, prayed and studied the
Bible together. Wish I could have brought them all home with me
to continue this every night.
Did I mention how much I love these wonderful, crazy people? I know that we will
be together again serving the Lord!

I had two wonderful weeks in Haiti and can't wait to return the first week of August. Words cannot express the joy I have in serving the Lord. One day every tongue, tribe and nation shall hear the Good News. Lord, send me.

So that all may know Him,
John 17:3

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HAITI in my heart.


I have been back from Haiti now for a couple of weeks and decided it was time to update my blog and work on my monthly newsletter

I led a small team of 5 other people to Montrouis, Haiti for a week. The trip impacted each of our lives in many different ways. Here is a photo of our team:
(left to right) Rebekah, Carli, Tina, George, Me, Bobbi
(AND Frans, our translator!!)

While we were there, we worked alongside the missionaries and we were able to see all aspects of their ministry. I loved being able to see all that they do for the Kingdom in Montrouis. They are building relationships and making a huge impact in the lives of the Haitian in which they work and serve with.

Since pictures are worth a thousand words, here are some photos of what we did throughout our week in  Haiti:
Took the kids form the orphanage to the beach with the missionary interns. The kids loved it!

Played and loved on the kids at the orphanage and made crafts.

Bubbles were a big hit! Thanks to Rebekah on our team for bringing them!

Prayer Walked in the local fishing village and met some great people.

Helped at the missionaries eye clinic

Helped Paint the Missionaries new home

Carli and Bobbi having fun!

helped serve food at a school

At the school where we served food

Many of you may know that God has placed a burden on my heart for Prison Ministry inside and outside of the United States. While I was in Haiti, I was able to go into a Prison and minister and pray with the inmates. The experience was humbling and life-altering.  I hope to return at the end of May and go back to minister inside of the prison. Please keep these inmates in your prayers. i would love for the opportunity to talk with you about the Haitian prisons, so please e-mail me for more details.

Also, if you are interested in a short-term missions trip, please email me at

So that all may know Him,

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Peru: Watch and be Utterly Amazed

I (Kathryn) have just returned from leading a team of 17 people to Arequipa, Peru.  God was so faithful to us and we saw Him work miracles among our team in many different ways.

The Lord gave me a scripture about a week before we left for Peru. It comes from Habakkuk 1:5, "Look at the nations and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do things in your days you wouldn't believe, even if you were told."  While we were serving in Peru, this scripture was constantly at the forefront of my mind. The day we were leaving, I heard from the missionaries that the 2 team members from another team we were joining had their bags held at the airport in Lima due to medicines they were carrying. They only had a few bags, and we had 30 or more! We began to pray and believe that all of our bags would make it through. Long story short: we never lost a bag, lost a pill, lost a packet of food. Everything made it through. Utterly amazing. God is faithful.

We conducted 5 full days of clinics. Our team was fully equipped with 1 doctor, a Doctor of Physical Therapy, 1 P.A., a pharmacist, and a handful of wonderful nurses. Through the clinics, evangelism and outreach ministry, 106 people came to know the Lord. Check out some pictures of our wonderful team serving and meeting the needs of others.
We began each day with a prayer and worship among those
who were waiting to be seen in the triage unit.
Staci (P.A.) treating a patient. Jim Weber (translator)

Susan (our Doctor) attending to a family at the clinic in Pedregal

Steve (our pharmacist) sorting medicines
Dora, a nurse and I.V. Therapist 
Jenna, a nurse working in the Triage unit

Megan, our Physical Therapist. Such a joy to have her along!
She made each patient work hard!

The first 2 days we spent in Cono Norte. God opened up the doors in this village for us to host a clinic. The missionaries we partnered with have a desire to build a permanent Christian Hospital there in the village. We were able to meet with the leaders of the village and walk to the land that they are wanting to build on. We prayed over the land and prayed with the leaders. God has already worked in the leaders hearts and placed that desire in them for this hospital. Their/our prayer is that the government will sign the papers and allow the Hospital to be built. As a team, we believe that God has given them this land and the hospital will be built. The scripture says to "Watch and be utterly amazed...he is going to do things we wouldn't believe, even if we were told..." We believe that more amazing things will come from the presence of permanent Christian Healthcare.

At our next clinic location, in the village of Pedregal, we saw God continue to work. At the end of one of our clinic days, there was an elderly lady who had walked all the way to the clinic seeking care. She was 101 years old and was our last patient. As she was being seen by the doctors, one of the Peruvian ladies at the clinic led her to the Lord. After she led her to a personal relationship with Christ, she said to the elderly woman that she looked familiar. The elderly lady recognized her as well. The lady figured out that this elderly woman was the lady that wet-nursed her as a child.  When she was a baby, her mother did not produce enough milk to feed her, and had another lady in the village wet-nurse her as a child. This is utterly amazing. God had brought these 2 women full circle and had an ultimate plan for their lives. As this lady gave her food and strength to grow as a child, God used that small child to grow into a mighty woman of God to eventually lead the elderly lady to Christ when she is 101. Check out the picture:
Carrying her up the stairs to get seen by the eye doctor. God is truly amazing.

While each clinic was taking place, we had a small group of people serve as part of the "Outreach Team". We worked mainly with children leading worship, sharing Bible Stories, making crafts and playing games. Each team member was a vital part of this ministry and they worked hard each day.
Worship with the kids. (Even a trashcan can be used as a drum!)

Me with some kids in Pedregal

The parachute was a hit!

Gwen, Bill and Shannon teaching the kids to jump rope
in the village of Cono Norte

stickers were great face decorations...

One of our crafts to go along with a Bible Story

Bill, our team Worship leader, was a great asset to our team.
The children just loved him, and he loved them!
After our 5 days of clinics in Cono Norte and Pedregal, we spent the last 3 days between the feeding center in Peruarbo and at 2 orphanages. The feeding center was an amazing experience. We were able to bring enough of the food (rice soy casserole) that we package at HSM to last a month or more! 
Susan and Karen cooking the food in Peruarbo

Pre-packaged meals. Each bag contains 6 meals! We
brought over 50 bags ( over 300 meals)!

Guilianna, the missionary/Pastor to the feeding center.
She runs the center and solely relies on God to provide the
food each week. Our team and the food was a blessing to her .

Guilianna leading worship at the feeding center

Faces of some of the people who attend the service at the feeding center

While we were there, the church/feeding center was facing a difficult time. As we were traveling to a clinic one day, we came upon a horrible wreck in the road. A small child was killed in a car accident, and the rest of the family was in the hospital. Later, we found out that this was a family from the church/feeding center that Guilianna runs in Peruarbo. Guilianna was so upset and many said that this was God's fault and that they would not return to the church. Many in the village were telling the believers that this happened because they attend Guilianna's church and feeding program. We surrounded Guilianna with love, prayers and support. She wasn't sure if anyone would even come on Saturday and you could tell through her tears that her heart was hurting. We stood behind her and we went together on Saturday ready to see God work. When we arrived, many were already there waiting and Bill lead the people in worship as others started to prepare the food. 

God moved in such miraculous ways that morning. One of the best (utterly amazing) moments was to see Guilianna eventually grab the guitar and lead her people in beautiful worship to the Lord. I don't believe that it was happenstance that we were there that week. God knew that she would need an army of other believers to come around her and help her that day.

Please continue to pray for Guilianna and the church/feeding center in the village of Peruarbo.

The next 2 days we spent at the orphanages. Sunday, we had a BBQ for the kids (filled their bellies with all the good stuff!), tye-dyed t-shirts, painted nails, played games and spent time in prayer and worship.
BBQ feast
worship at the orphanage

praying with the kids and they prayed for us

shannon and her new friend!

Steve playing with some kids on the monkey bars
The last day, the team did construction on the new orphanage that is being built.

God was so faithful during our travels and had his hand on us this whole trip. Please continue to pray for the people of Peru and those who came to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

I will be headed to Haiti in 3 weeks. Please pray as team members prepare their hearts for this trip! 

So that all may know Him,