Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Tuesday Morning Thoughts

All I could think about this morning was how busy my tuesday was going to be.  My thoughts raced, my heart was beating a little faster, and I had to take a deep breath in and exhale.  I also received several inbox messages on facebook where people started off by saying "sorry it has been a while, I have been busy".  This morning at work, we had a staff meeting+devotion, and the devotion was on the busyness and stress of life. Hmmm....

Many times, in our busyness and day to day life, we forget to stop, be still and know that He is in control of all things because He is God of all.  He is in all, through all and created all. (Eph. 4:4-6) Whew, what a relief!  

I seriously could not get through my day to day life without putting Him first.  Currently, I am trying manage 2 jobs.  I am remaining at the Wade Center as the Mission and Outreach Director until our monthly support comes in for me to transition to only working at Heaven Sent Ministries.  This has been a difficult task to balance both, but through much prayer and handing things over to God, he has never failed to show up and grant me the patience and strength to get through the day to day tasks in life.  

In our stress and daily routines, we often forget to ask God how he would like to use us that day.  God calls us to die to ourselves daily so that we can be fully open and used by Him for His glory.  So, along with me, take a deep breath in....and then exhale!  Rest in His presence. Be still.  Ask Him to show you what you could do for Him today and for Him to reveal His purpose for your life. Spread some love today, pray for boldness and a heart that is open and willing to be used for the sake of the Gospel. (Philippians 3:7-14). 


Jason and I are working on getting an account set up with HSM where your monthly financial gifts can be made online or automatically withdrawn monthly.  If you would like more information about joining our prayer.financial support team, please contact us at vicars4missions@gmail.com

So that all may know Him,


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Destination: Heaven Sent Ministries!

Hey Everyone!

Well, the time has come. We have officially began our work as Global Missions Coordinators at Heaven Sent Ministries.  This has been a little while in the making as we were offered the position back in November, and officially accepted the job in Feb. of this year.  May 1, we began working in the office.

As mentioned before, Jason will remain teaching in the Public School system to provide more stable support at the moment, as well as health insurance.  I will be in the office at HSM full-time.

We are so blessed to be a part of such a great team here and "assisting the church in reaching the world for Christ!".  I am pasting our support letter, and please read if you are interested in becoming a part of our ministry at HSM.

So that all may know Him,

The Vicars

Dear Friends and Family,
We are so blessed to update all of you with such wonderful news and the changes that are taking place in our lives.  The past six months have truly been a time of growth and preparation for us as we have been seeking God’s will for our lives.  In late November, we met with Heaven Sent Ministries, based in Princeton, West Virginia.  As a youth pastor for many years, Jason had worked with HSM several times and had a great relationship with the ministry.
Through prayer and seeking God’s will, we accepted the position with Heaven Sent Ministries as Global Missions Coordinators in February of this year. We officially began working in the office as of May 1st and it has been a wonderful transition. In this position, we will be coordinating teams from all over the United States and sending them overseas to do short-term missions where HSM has a presence in over 28 countries! HSM has both a local and global missions statement to “assist the church in reaching the World for Christ.” 
We are asking for your prayer and financial support.  There will be much traveling as we will be leading these teams all over the world. Also, we are going to be participating in many “vision” trips, visiting existing ministry sites and seeking new opportunities for us to spread the Gospel to all nations.
We will be seeking monthly financial support.  As Global Missions Coordinators, we are considered full-time missionaries based state-side.  Your tax-deductible donation will go towards our ministry with HSM and reach people all around the world for the sake of the gospel, so that all may know Him (Phil. 3:10). It’s not about what we can do alone, but what we can do together to reach a world of hungry and hurting people for His name! 
Please return the bottom piece of this letter if you would like to partner with us through prayer and/or financial support. Thank you in advance for all of your love and support as we move forward in the ministry God has placed in our lives. Feel free to visit the HSM website (www.hsminc.org) or follow our ministry blog.
So that all may know Him,
Jason & Kathryn Vicars

Support the Vicars
Name:     ______________________________________
Address:  ______________________________________
I want to be a prayer partner: ____Yes  ____No
I want to become a monthly financial supporter in the amount of: $____________
I want to give a one time gift of: $_______________
Make Checks Payable to: Heaven Sent Ministries
Memo Line: The Vicars
Send checks to: 
(don’t want to put this on-line, contact me for details!)
Please remember to hang our prayer card on your fridge to remember to keep us in your prayers. Also, all payment information is located on the back of our prayer card for your reference when sending your monthly financial gifts.  All donations are tax-deductible and you will receive quarterly statements for your own records. If you have any questions, please contact us.