Saturday, July 30, 2011

Time of Transition

Today (Saturday) the last team arrives to stay the week for Wade Summer Missions. I know that may not create the same sense of mixed emotions for you as it does for me, but it is almost not real that it is actually coming to an end.  It took about 7 months to plan and gear up for our teams and the end date (August 4) seemed so far away. Not anymore.

I have been so blessed by our teams and watching them serve God through sharing the Word, leading sports camps, and local construction projects that have helped members of our community.  Through this, we have seen people helped and lives changed for the sake of the Gospel. What a powerful thing to witness.

Wrapping up summer missions means wrapping up my time at Wade as Director of Missions and Outreach. Instead of spending my time between 2 offices (HSM and Wade), I will be able to fully be at Heaven Sent Ministries. This transition has been in my prayers since February and we have already seen od working. As many of you know, our salary depends upon outside support from friends, family and fellow believers that want to join in the cause to spread the Gospel locally and around the World.  As a steady check ends from one place, we fully believe that God will continue to provide financially for us in our transition. Someone once told me (it may have been my grandmother...):

"if Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice, His life, and cared for you that much...why would He not want to provide for you and take care of you in the little things? And don't you think that everything else is pretty small compared to Him laying his life down for the sins of the entire World?"

Thank you for joining with us in prayer for the needs of those here and around the World. Our God is greater, He is stronger...He is faithful even when we prove to be faithless. We are so blessed to be a part of the H.S.M. team, and if you would like to join us in ministry, please e-mail us at

Prayer Needs:
1. Possible trip to Ghana this fall to complete the construction on the Training Center
2.Medical Missions trip to Peru in January...pray for the team, and pray about joining the team!
3. The famine and Drought taking place in Ethiopia/Somalia/Kenya. We would like to get involved sending food packages and relief and possibly take a trip there as well.

So that all may know Him,


Megan said...

Another post with significance to my own life! (and very well-written, I might add). The struggle to find a home, the right one, as quickly as we can, gets me down on occasion, so to read your grandmother's quote: "if Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice, His life, and cared for you that much...why would He not want to provide for you and take care of you in the little things? And don't you think that everything else is pretty small compared to Him laying his life down for the sins of the entire World?"
This really spoke to me. I have about a hundred words of wisdom that came from my Gran rattling around in my head, so I love that your Grandmother spoke this to you--it's so very true.

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